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Opening Times:
Tue to Fri 10am to 6pm
Saturday 10am to 4pm
We BUY, SELL and REPAIR all makes and models of electric scooters
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Our Range of Services
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We offer a variety of services and repairs to suit all your needs
Our wide range of services keeps us above all others. This is just one of the reasons why our customers always return to us for their repairs and servicing. We cater for complete scooter rebuilds, to custom mods to most electric scooters.
The professionalism we offer, guarantees that your repairs will get done quickly, cost effectively and with as minimal inconvenience to you as is possible.
We like to use genuine OEM parts where available for your scooter. It is an important factor in ensuring any repairs are up to the same standard as the original manufacture.
Luckily we have the know-how and expertise to get the job done right.
Find out more about what we can do for you today.
Puncture Repair
Get that flat tyre puncture repair
Puncture repair 'WHILE U WAIT'
We guarantee to replace your inner tube the same day (providing the scooter is in our workshop 2 hours before closing) and charge a standard flat rate labour of £25 for tube replacement
Electrical Repair
For When You Have a Faulty Motor, or Battery Power Problem
At some point in your ownership of an electric scooter, it's inevitable that you will come across some form of electric fault. Fortunately, we have an electrical engineer on our team. His knowledge is another invaluable asset that helps smallstreetescooters to maintain its reputation above all others.
We can repair or replace your scooters BLE, ESC and even BMI boards, as well as being able to offer a complete motor rewire and controller replacement should it ever be required.
Just call or email for an unbeatable quote
When You Need That Electric Scooter Service
The servicing option is one of our most popular offerings due to it being our most comprehensive service offered for a flat rate price of £30 (plus parts), for any scooter brand. We check, tighten, lubricate and examine every part of your scooter, giving you a full report, including any urgent repairs. This service is always carried out by one of our expert repair technicians to guarantee customer satisfaction.
Why not talk to us about what our service involves and tell us about any special requirements you may need.